Monday, February 2, 2009

Fear can make you sick

last Wed. I began to feel ill, yet my doctor would not be in the office to treat me until the following Monday. I have been quietly miserable for the past 5 days, I have practiced from 3-5 every day I have traveled 200 miles from home, I preformed like it was my last time (yet there is still 2 more to go) Apparently some people are tired of my "whining" well I finally "whined" to my doctor and now I am scheduled for an ultrasound (no I am NOT pregnant thank you) a dye test for my kidneys, and several blood panels. Truth be told I should not be worried about what they will find but I got to thinking for a long period of time and I am now rather frightened for my already shakey health. Blogging I find is actually helps me write good poems, and short stories; because instead of having things floating around in my head, my ideas are floating around on the internet a place where I can easily navigate and find again.

Golly gee wiz I do love the internet

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