Thursday, February 5, 2009

people are very childish

So I noticed today while I was in the bathroom, the entire wall of the bathroom was covered with graffiti! Really people, graffiti? Still drawing on the walls at 15-18, how old are people really 2? "Oh my gosh guys I just wrote the F word on the bathroom stall wall, I'm so like cool *giggle*" Come ON how mature are people to deface their school, people complain all the time about our school and how we have graffiti, if people didn't deface public property thinking it was cool we wouldn't have this problem now would we.

I hate ignorant childish people...A LOT!


  1. I concur. I am now a the most non-conformist way possible.

  2. I cant even tell you how much that drives me crazy. I always want to write how stupid it is to write on bathroom stalls...but that would be counter productive. So then I was considering taping a piece of paper on there saying how dumb it was...but I was just far too lazy.

  3. Did you see how now they've got sheets of paper where you can write stuff instead of on the wall of the stall? It's like, tell your secrets to the world and help support each other!

    Yeah... not gonna happen.
