Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Creative writing

Its hard but quite fun, im just bummed because we have to follow "rules" I am more of a free verse kind of girl anyway.

perhaps though in time we may see,
the things that will be,
understand the things that were,
or even correct the wrongs that we have let go astray,
It may not be today,
nor tomorrow,
but years from now when our children,
are grown and wise they can look back on what we did,
and declare that our generation was not a waste after all,
but spread our hands,
and opened our hearts to a world,
that is not shrowded in the darkness of hate or war,
but glows with peace and contentment.

you see I made that up all by myself right on the spot, man I am going to be famous some day :)


  1. Go by the rules to challenge yourself. Then, write your own.

  2. Yeah, you're going to be famous someday. And then we shall all hoist you on our shoulders, chanting your name into the heavens above.
