Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Remember that saying

When life gives you lemons make lemonaid? Well a few friends of mine came up with a new one a long time ago it goes like this "when life gives you lemons, chuck them at people :)" well life has given me a truckload of lemons and dumped them on top of me.

Today was the worst day of my life, and I am not being dramatic. I always like to tell people there is no such thing as a bad day unless your dead. But today proved to me there can be such a thing as bad days.

1) my friend is ditching his date for turnabout = drama
2) someone was forced into my group that I really really DON'T like = drama
3) my choir teacher is being not nice = Rage
4) I don't get physics and it is making me loose faith in humainty plus I have a D = RAGE
5) Creative writing when i am not feeling creative = Depressing
6) Failing math class by 1% (thank God I don't need the credit) = depressing
7) mom had surgury = depressing
8) crappy jr. High band concert = bleeding ears
9) getting a phone call telling me my mom is in the ER = depressing
10) getting the email saying that your OIPA solo was not recived in time even though you put 2 months of work into it = rage
11) a 3 page law paper due tomorrow when I am trying to keep my cool and wait for my dad to call from the ER = rage/depression/exaustion
12) needing a shower but afraid you will miss the phone call
13) almost hitting a dog and a random guy running in the street wearing dark clothing on the way home after finding out mom was in the ER = RAGE

yea, it may not seem so bad, but it really is.

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