Friday, February 13, 2009

I could write a book on the travels that I go about in life

well this is the second time that i have written this blog, now i am raging because of it. The main point and topic was the reason i blog so much. I love to talk, people find it unattractive and annoying but i enjoy it immensely. Perhaps it is because i love to share my random source of knowlage that i come acrossed, or even perhaps my adventures are worth blogging about, you see I could write a novel on the random occurences in my life. But most of the time I end up talkign about: dirty things in general (thanks angela's ashes) 4chan (rule 1), the game, complaining, rage, meaning of life, religon, politics, or the classes and people i come across in my life. In the meantime while I rage, tis' to google i must go to find somthing to "put a smile on that face"....
"why so serious"
"uhm, I don't understand"
"why so serious"
"who are you"
"why so serious"
*inner thoughts* *hmm first i am all like 0_o*
*akward pause*
"serious so why?"
*and now I am all like -_-*
"you know what"
*takes a pokeball out of pocket*
"Go raptorsauris!"
*a raptosaurus apperes wearing rolerskates and a rocket pack, holding a chainsaw*
"Raptorsaurious, when you have to kill the most annoying thing in the room"
*joker dies*
* :) *


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. *takes a pokeball out of pocket*
    "Go raptorsauris!"

    That's the best line in the world.
