Sunday, February 8, 2009


My weekend was actually pretty intense...Intense drama while hanging 10,000ft in the air to be exact. I was involved in 1 acts this weekend and acted Fri. and Sat, bolth went exeptionally well. Friday I partied at Max and Erma's with the cast and crew. That involved an epic incident including, getting epicly lost, speeding, almost killing everyone in my car, a lucky fork, a hot waiter, a fizzy watermellon, granny, and a lost wallet. (there will be a short story about this soon im sure)
Saterday, included going to see the movie Coroline, it was fantastic! I paid with a random movie ticket I ended up finding on a random shelf at borders, which included 10$off so I actually saw the movie for free with a friend, after the movie I realized it was 6:30 and I had to be ready and there in 30 min! So I ended up having my boyfriend drive while I attempted to completly change my clothes in the car (thanks for making it akward) Then the night intaled a stinky box, poping Kramer Lindsly's bubble, garlic mashed potato's, and an akward conversation with my boyfriend's mother.
Sunday, I slept really late 11am, woke my boyfriend up, went to China 1 for lunch (mmmmm noodles), went for a walk in the park, toured the mannor house, made some dinner, talked about college with mom, ran back to boyfriends house for keys to the church, came home and got distracted by the internet. College is going to be really intensly hard to figure out for me, conidering I have the attention span of a hampster on crack for sure. I am never satisfied with anything so, I cant choose my college or my major (its changed twice this year). And now its 11:05 and I have caught myself monologing which is pretty bad for me. Here is some creative writing to contribute to the rant.
Winds of the hourglass
Where are the winds of fate going to take me,
I feel like I am going nowhere,
Almost like I don't have what takes to survive the journey,
I shouldn't have to worry now,
There is nothing I can do,
I may be weak,
But the weak become the strong,
Perhaps only the strong survive,
like the stars that hold up the sky,
maybie its my fate to fall before them,
or is it my destany to rise above them.

1 comment:

  1. Okay since the evilness that is the internet has deleted my comment, here's a short version:

    1. Great job in the one act. Sarah and I were peeing our pants backstage with joy and fullfillment.
    2. I will never forget you dancing by that waiter who had no idea even though Amber was freaking out the entire time.
