Friday, January 30, 2009

That should have been my last breath

I didn't see the light change,
I didn't see the other driver,
I should have been looking,
my eyes should have been sharper,
All I saw was the black pavement,
Then I saw the headlights,
My short life flashed before me,
birthday parties, girls night out, my first kiss, my last breath
I wish I had more time to say goodbye before I go,
But it looks like my number has been drawn,
I silently thank God for my opportunity for life,
I'm just angry that I threw it all away on a red light,
But in the time it takes for my heart to beat,
my foot slams on the breaks,
His green SUV gleams in my headlights,
Less than an inch from death,
A single tear rolls down my face,
One more breath fills my lungs,
that should have been my last breath,
But it looks my guardian angel has protected me again,
As I drive away I think about life and what it means to me,
I'm obviously destined to do great things,
but one thing is for sure,
That should have been my last breath,
And I will never waste it on a red light.

Tonight I should have died, but in a pure stroke of luck I managed to get through yet again without a scratch. Its a wonder to me, I have gotten into so many incidents that should have taken my life, hit by a car, head injurys, near drowning, trapped, poision. I belive in a higher power, but tonight I saw God in the headlights of an SUV.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my God, Brandi. I was really hoping you just made that poem up. I'm glad you're ok!!
