Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Snow day

Well today is Wed. and last night we had a few inches of snowfall, just enough to close down school for the day. Which is great in perspective if you were not in my situation. My computer is completly dead (I am using my dad's forbidden office computer), I have a torn muscle in my right shoulder (which is very bad considering I have to compete on Sat), and I don't really like the cold all that much.
But on a happier note, I am preparing for college with essays and visits. Truth be told it is a lot harder than I first expected. Oh well, I guess that is alright with me mostly becuase I love a good challenge. I'm scouring foodnetwork for a yummy dessert for tonight, probably a lemon fluff, or somthing else with lemon in it. *hears footsteps*

got to go now!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that's beautiful, but really sad too. I hope Jon is ok and that you get to see him again soon.
