Thursday, January 22, 2009

Ripple Effect

Brandi is my name and writing is my game, I like to stir the surface of the water and bring the creatures down below to the surface. Sometimes its good to cause a little ripple, but it becomes a problem when you make waves. In life there are many things worth enjoying, reading, writing, riding a bike on a summer day, things of the sort. I am a simple woman, who enjoys those specific pleasures. But I do have a passion for the color guard, spinning colors in mid-air kind of has that calming effect on a person. I'm good at what I do, plus I'm extreamly competitive I don't like to lose, and this little life game is no different. The game of life to me should be played hard, there is no time to be timid because you never really know when its all going to be pulled out from under you, like a rug attached to a speeding train. Yes, it really happens that fast. But on a lighter note the sky is clear today, cold but clear none the less. My mind is actually pretty empty and to me there is nothing really worth talking about, but alas the teacher is reading over my shoulder so I will pretend to write somthing of importance.

Other than my name and the things that I enjoy doing in my free time. I am 18 years old and have a pretty stable job that pays minimum wage $5.30 an hour (for workers who earn tips and such). I make ice cream and chili dogs to serve to the people of Sylvania.

*bell rings*

got to go!

1 comment:

  1. But waves are more enjoyable :)

    And hey, isn't minimum wage $7 now?
