Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Remember that saying

When life gives you lemons make lemonaid? Well a few friends of mine came up with a new one a long time ago it goes like this "when life gives you lemons, chuck them at people :)" well life has given me a truckload of lemons and dumped them on top of me.

Today was the worst day of my life, and I am not being dramatic. I always like to tell people there is no such thing as a bad day unless your dead. But today proved to me there can be such a thing as bad days.

1) my friend is ditching his date for turnabout = drama
2) someone was forced into my group that I really really DON'T like = drama
3) my choir teacher is being not nice = Rage
4) I don't get physics and it is making me loose faith in humainty plus I have a D = RAGE
5) Creative writing when i am not feeling creative = Depressing
6) Failing math class by 1% (thank God I don't need the credit) = depressing
7) mom had surgury = depressing
8) crappy jr. High band concert = bleeding ears
9) getting a phone call telling me my mom is in the ER = depressing
10) getting the email saying that your OIPA solo was not recived in time even though you put 2 months of work into it = rage
11) a 3 page law paper due tomorrow when I am trying to keep my cool and wait for my dad to call from the ER = rage/depression/exaustion
12) needing a shower but afraid you will miss the phone call
13) almost hitting a dog and a random guy running in the street wearing dark clothing on the way home after finding out mom was in the ER = RAGE

yea, it may not seem so bad, but it really is.

Friday, February 13, 2009

I could write a book on the travels that I go about in life

well this is the second time that i have written this blog, now i am raging because of it. The main point and topic was the reason i blog so much. I love to talk, people find it unattractive and annoying but i enjoy it immensely. Perhaps it is because i love to share my random source of knowlage that i come acrossed, or even perhaps my adventures are worth blogging about, you see I could write a novel on the random occurences in my life. But most of the time I end up talkign about: dirty things in general (thanks angela's ashes) 4chan (rule 1), the game, complaining, rage, meaning of life, religon, politics, or the classes and people i come across in my life. In the meantime while I rage, tis' to google i must go to find somthing to "put a smile on that face"....
"why so serious"
"uhm, I don't understand"
"why so serious"
"who are you"
"why so serious"
*inner thoughts* *hmm first i am all like 0_o*
*akward pause*
"serious so why?"
*and now I am all like -_-*
"you know what"
*takes a pokeball out of pocket*
"Go raptorsauris!"
*a raptosaurus apperes wearing rolerskates and a rocket pack, holding a chainsaw*
"Raptorsaurious, when you have to kill the most annoying thing in the room"
*joker dies*
* :) *

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Creative writing

Its hard but quite fun, im just bummed because we have to follow "rules" I am more of a free verse kind of girl anyway.

perhaps though in time we may see,
the things that will be,
understand the things that were,
or even correct the wrongs that we have let go astray,
It may not be today,
nor tomorrow,
but years from now when our children,
are grown and wise they can look back on what we did,
and declare that our generation was not a waste after all,
but spread our hands,
and opened our hearts to a world,
that is not shrowded in the darkness of hate or war,
but glows with peace and contentment.

you see I made that up all by myself right on the spot, man I am going to be famous some day :)

Sunday, February 8, 2009


My weekend was actually pretty intense...Intense drama while hanging 10,000ft in the air to be exact. I was involved in 1 acts this weekend and acted Fri. and Sat, bolth went exeptionally well. Friday I partied at Max and Erma's with the cast and crew. That involved an epic incident including, getting epicly lost, speeding, almost killing everyone in my car, a lucky fork, a hot waiter, a fizzy watermellon, granny, and a lost wallet. (there will be a short story about this soon im sure)
Saterday, included going to see the movie Coroline, it was fantastic! I paid with a random movie ticket I ended up finding on a random shelf at borders, which included 10$off so I actually saw the movie for free with a friend, after the movie I realized it was 6:30 and I had to be ready and there in 30 min! So I ended up having my boyfriend drive while I attempted to completly change my clothes in the car (thanks for making it akward) Then the night intaled a stinky box, poping Kramer Lindsly's bubble, garlic mashed potato's, and an akward conversation with my boyfriend's mother.
Sunday, I slept really late 11am, woke my boyfriend up, went to China 1 for lunch (mmmmm noodles), went for a walk in the park, toured the mannor house, made some dinner, talked about college with mom, ran back to boyfriends house for keys to the church, came home and got distracted by the internet. College is going to be really intensly hard to figure out for me, conidering I have the attention span of a hampster on crack for sure. I am never satisfied with anything so, I cant choose my college or my major (its changed twice this year). And now its 11:05 and I have caught myself monologing which is pretty bad for me. Here is some creative writing to contribute to the rant.
Winds of the hourglass
Where are the winds of fate going to take me,
I feel like I am going nowhere,
Almost like I don't have what takes to survive the journey,
I shouldn't have to worry now,
There is nothing I can do,
I may be weak,
But the weak become the strong,
Perhaps only the strong survive,
like the stars that hold up the sky,
maybie its my fate to fall before them,
or is it my destany to rise above them.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

people are very childish

So I noticed today while I was in the bathroom, the entire wall of the bathroom was covered with graffiti! Really people, graffiti? Still drawing on the walls at 15-18, how old are people really 2? "Oh my gosh guys I just wrote the F word on the bathroom stall wall, I'm so like cool *giggle*" Come ON how mature are people to deface their school, people complain all the time about our school and how we have graffiti, if people didn't deface public property thinking it was cool we wouldn't have this problem now would we.

I hate ignorant childish people...A LOT!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

While I was searching around blogger I came across this particular blog. Dream, I loved the picture that was posted, it really brought me back to my roots with writing and how it all started with a picture. Her recollection of dreams and how they related to her actually related to me and my blog. It was written in a style that I tend to copy, dreamy, happy, bubbly, etc. I really enjoyed it even though there was only one picture and one post. Well, doing the assignment at 10:48pm kind of messes with your perception on things big and small. Oh well, I enjoyed it now and perhaps I will enjoy it later.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Fear can make you sick

last Wed. I began to feel ill, yet my doctor would not be in the office to treat me until the following Monday. I have been quietly miserable for the past 5 days, I have practiced from 3-5 every day I have traveled 200 miles from home, I preformed like it was my last time (yet there is still 2 more to go) Apparently some people are tired of my "whining" well I finally "whined" to my doctor and now I am scheduled for an ultrasound (no I am NOT pregnant thank you) a dye test for my kidneys, and several blood panels. Truth be told I should not be worried about what they will find but I got to thinking for a long period of time and I am now rather frightened for my already shakey health. Blogging I find is actually helps me write good poems, and short stories; because instead of having things floating around in my head, my ideas are floating around on the internet a place where I can easily navigate and find again.

Golly gee wiz I do love the internet