Saturday, May 23, 2009

on the road again

Well I did little with my senior skip day. I went out to lunch at chilis then went to the bank to get money to burn over the weekend. After awhile I ended up home alone making dinner for my family who didn't eat it anyway. My family dosent appreciate my cooking anymore. I proceeded to make a yummy strawbery rhubarb pie... No one had a slice and it depressed me. The next day Colton and I decided to take a road trip to Wright Patterson Air Force Museum, about an hour into the trip Colton admits he has no idea how to get there, we pulled over a half an hour later to find a map, we were unsuccessful until in a moment of brilliance I discover my phone has advanced GPS and mapping capabilities. It was brilliant until we figured out my subscription was I compensated by downloading google maps *take that sprint* it worked until we hit constructon that google failed to tell us about. The result was asking for directions and an extra hour of wasted time. But we got there and it was so worth It! Did I happen to mention that his cars AC was broken the whole trip? All of this was on my blackberry while I am supposed to be looking at the directions home!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Urghhgghghhhghghg (zombie translation: brains!!)

The last few days are winding down to a close, and as Mr. A said the zombies have arrived, i have been preparing for this moment the entire year! They said it would happen, it was predicted over and over again, they all said it wouldnt happen to them, now look around! The infection has begun and I must survive!!! I can feel the tention in my english class, you can cut it with a knife. I can hear the labored breathing of the kid who sits somewhere behind me, I can hear the splash of drool as it hits the desk! he is coming for me, I just know it. I have enough time to run if he goes through someone else first (i liked them enough, but not enough to risk my neck for him :) ) i can go for the window, from there everyone else in the room is on their own.

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Todat so far has sucked!because of this I decided to skip choir and hide in the little theater.I am blogging via blackberry hiding in the farthest corner.I knew today would suck when I woke up at 3:30am from a massive lightning strike in my yard which ended up blowing our power! So from the light of my blackberry I found the breaker box and struggled to find the right fuses.most were blown from the surge and needed to be replaced. I tried to find the spares but there were I told my dad to figure it out while I called Toledo Edison.two and a half hours later they show up but its not just our box its the whole outside line that was taken I couldn't shower which sucked I had to get dressed in the dark do my makeup I ended up skipping breakfast and feel like blacking out plus my car window is stuck thankfully in the up position. First period I had to make a pie which failed tremendously because the crust fell apart so I said "screw this* " and did it my way which still sucked.I can't rememb much about second period and now I am sitting in the theater all alone trying to keep myself from falling to pieces.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


so we went outside today for CW. and it was amazing, trust me once someone gets me outside I transform into somthing much more fun, and who thought I could be even more awsome than I am already! We had to write about somthing insignificant, while I was playing in the creek (Cutting the bottom of my foot in the process, expecting eather hep B, swine flu, or tetnis to set in whithin 24 hours) I found a golf ball covered in grossness! I wrote about the poor little darling.

Ode to a golf ball I found in the creek one day!
To a tiny golf ball sitting in the bottom of the creek,
so small and insignificant compared to the magjsty of the water,
you are too small to be a home to the crawdaddies,
and you are too big to be swallowed by a fish,
and now you are covered in green slime,
green slime that fules the whole water ecosystem,
the fish eat the green slime,
and so do the crawdaddies,
People don't eat the green slime, but if it wasnt for us the ecosystem would have one less slime covered golf ball.

the end

By brandi phillips

Friday, March 13, 2009

its all good

life is right where I want t0 be, our winterguard team got 1st 2nd 3rd and 3rd state title this year. pretty impresive for our first go around huh. I have been really buisy and its hard to write, all things considered my computer is broken and i am borrowing his. Oh well, good enough right? One acts are the next big project, this should be amazingly fun! Seirra invited me to her party, yay! im so pumped for it too!


ttfn (ta ta for now)

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Remember that saying

When life gives you lemons make lemonaid? Well a few friends of mine came up with a new one a long time ago it goes like this "when life gives you lemons, chuck them at people :)" well life has given me a truckload of lemons and dumped them on top of me.

Today was the worst day of my life, and I am not being dramatic. I always like to tell people there is no such thing as a bad day unless your dead. But today proved to me there can be such a thing as bad days.

1) my friend is ditching his date for turnabout = drama
2) someone was forced into my group that I really really DON'T like = drama
3) my choir teacher is being not nice = Rage
4) I don't get physics and it is making me loose faith in humainty plus I have a D = RAGE
5) Creative writing when i am not feeling creative = Depressing
6) Failing math class by 1% (thank God I don't need the credit) = depressing
7) mom had surgury = depressing
8) crappy jr. High band concert = bleeding ears
9) getting a phone call telling me my mom is in the ER = depressing
10) getting the email saying that your OIPA solo was not recived in time even though you put 2 months of work into it = rage
11) a 3 page law paper due tomorrow when I am trying to keep my cool and wait for my dad to call from the ER = rage/depression/exaustion
12) needing a shower but afraid you will miss the phone call
13) almost hitting a dog and a random guy running in the street wearing dark clothing on the way home after finding out mom was in the ER = RAGE

yea, it may not seem so bad, but it really is.

Friday, February 13, 2009

I could write a book on the travels that I go about in life

well this is the second time that i have written this blog, now i am raging because of it. The main point and topic was the reason i blog so much. I love to talk, people find it unattractive and annoying but i enjoy it immensely. Perhaps it is because i love to share my random source of knowlage that i come acrossed, or even perhaps my adventures are worth blogging about, you see I could write a novel on the random occurences in my life. But most of the time I end up talkign about: dirty things in general (thanks angela's ashes) 4chan (rule 1), the game, complaining, rage, meaning of life, religon, politics, or the classes and people i come across in my life. In the meantime while I rage, tis' to google i must go to find somthing to "put a smile on that face"....
"why so serious"
"uhm, I don't understand"
"why so serious"
"who are you"
"why so serious"
*inner thoughts* *hmm first i am all like 0_o*
*akward pause*
"serious so why?"
*and now I am all like -_-*
"you know what"
*takes a pokeball out of pocket*
"Go raptorsauris!"
*a raptosaurus apperes wearing rolerskates and a rocket pack, holding a chainsaw*
"Raptorsaurious, when you have to kill the most annoying thing in the room"
*joker dies*
* :) *