Thursday, May 14, 2009


Todat so far has sucked!because of this I decided to skip choir and hide in the little theater.I am blogging via blackberry hiding in the farthest corner.I knew today would suck when I woke up at 3:30am from a massive lightning strike in my yard which ended up blowing our power! So from the light of my blackberry I found the breaker box and struggled to find the right fuses.most were blown from the surge and needed to be replaced. I tried to find the spares but there were I told my dad to figure it out while I called Toledo Edison.two and a half hours later they show up but its not just our box its the whole outside line that was taken I couldn't shower which sucked I had to get dressed in the dark do my makeup I ended up skipping breakfast and feel like blacking out plus my car window is stuck thankfully in the up position. First period I had to make a pie which failed tremendously because the crust fell apart so I said "screw this* " and did it my way which still sucked.I can't rememb much about second period and now I am sitting in the theater all alone trying to keep myself from falling to pieces.

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