Tuesday, May 12, 2009


so we went outside today for CW. and it was amazing, trust me once someone gets me outside I transform into somthing much more fun, and who thought I could be even more awsome than I am already! We had to write about somthing insignificant, while I was playing in the creek (Cutting the bottom of my foot in the process, expecting eather hep B, swine flu, or tetnis to set in whithin 24 hours) I found a golf ball covered in grossness! I wrote about the poor little darling.

Ode to a golf ball I found in the creek one day!
To a tiny golf ball sitting in the bottom of the creek,
so small and insignificant compared to the magjsty of the water,
you are too small to be a home to the crawdaddies,
and you are too big to be swallowed by a fish,
and now you are covered in green slime,
green slime that fules the whole water ecosystem,
the fish eat the green slime,
and so do the crawdaddies,
People don't eat the green slime, but if it wasnt for us the ecosystem would have one less slime covered golf ball.

the end

By brandi phillips

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