Friday, May 15, 2009

Urghhgghghhhghghg (zombie translation: brains!!)

The last few days are winding down to a close, and as Mr. A said the zombies have arrived, i have been preparing for this moment the entire year! They said it would happen, it was predicted over and over again, they all said it wouldnt happen to them, now look around! The infection has begun and I must survive!!! I can feel the tention in my english class, you can cut it with a knife. I can hear the labored breathing of the kid who sits somewhere behind me, I can hear the splash of drool as it hits the desk! he is coming for me, I just know it. I have enough time to run if he goes through someone else first (i liked them enough, but not enough to risk my neck for him :) ) i can go for the window, from there everyone else in the room is on their own.

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